How is the weather on Karpathos?

How is the weather on Karpathos?

Over the past year, we have tracked the temperature, wind force, wind direction and rainfall each day. We have processed this information in handy tables and hope to give you more information about what to expect from the weather on Karpathos. Of course, the weather...
Hiking on Karpathos

Hiking on Karpathos

Karpathos is known as the island for hikers. Hiking on Karpathos is amazing. Unspoiled landscapes and breathtaking views. Don’t forget the smell of all the herbs the island has to offer. Karpathos has so much to offer for hikers and especially in the off-season...
Online shopping if you live on Karpathos

Online shopping if you live on Karpathos

In the Netherlands, we were so used to it. Need something quick? Need a Christmas present? A quick google search and you could order it online in no time. Buying books? And everything is always at home within 1-4 days. Now that we live on an...